Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Christmas Dishes!

Well, not actually "Christmas" Dishes, but some dishes I got for Christmas. I shared with you guys the set of plates I found at a flea market that my mother got me for Christmas. I have been meaning to share with you all a photo of my newly acquired treasures. Not only did I get a set of amazing chicken plates, but also another family member got me a set of dishes he found at a flea market for me. Here they all are, laid all in glorious splendor.
Yes, folks, be jealous. The set on the left only has 3 bowls but that's okay. Still beautiful.

The chicken dishes are so fun to me. They really just remind me of me! I love this one of the rooster, so proud and cocky.

The one here is adorable also, with the two little chicks in the bottom. I let the girls use these when we eat on them, they like the chicks....
Here is a closer picture of the other set. My uncle ( with Down's Syndrome) got them for me. He is the absolute best shopper. He makes a list and shops tirelessly for the "PERFECT" gift for each person. He is just so thoughtful. These dishes are wonderful
It's amazing what a few new dishes can do to a girl isn't it?
Until Next time, Happy Homesteading ya'll!


  1. Beautiful choice from your uncle.

  2. You can tell as a food blogger that I spend too much time thinking about food - I read the title and assumed this was going to be about what you served for Christmas dinner LOL. Love the rooster plates. :) [#TALU]
