Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Update- It's been over 2 years since I've posted- So many updates

 Hello everyone, 

I am back! My blog was something that I really found enjoyable to work on for several years and then like we all know- life happened. It has happened to me in the most intense ways :) I will update you all on the main things that have happened to my family over the next few days. But today I will give you a little glimpse. Before I do that though I want to say that the purpose of the site hasn't changed nor has my overall intentions. I want a nice, slow, cozy homestead surrounded by the people that I love. So what's been going on since we last talked? 

1. I graduated. I now have my PhD and am excited and glad that is over with. I defended my dissertation in May of 2020 and officially graduated in August of 2020. 

2. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2022. It's been a HARD year. I had just turned 40 and got my mammogram as we are supposed to do when we turn 40. No family history. I'll make a whole series of post on that alone, but for now just know to get your mammogram. 

3. We bought a farm! We are still living in our "old" house and probably will keep it as it is on family land and we are close to my parents and my husband's dad. But in May of 2023 we bought a 65 acre farm about two hours away. It has a beautiful home, a barn and two shops. The family before us was homesteading on it and had to move due to health reasons. It is set up for cows, pigs, chickens etc. Again- I'll do a whole other post on that soon as well!

4. I quit my job! Well, I stopped working full time at the university I was at and now teach as an adjunct for them online. I still adjunct for several schools and do some consulting and freelance work. Financially it's more money and the flexibility is wonderful. My husband works from home as well, and two of our 3 kids do virtual school, to it is such a blessing to be here. 

5. We took a trip to Ireland this summer. This kind of came out of me turning 40 and my kids getting older and my cancer diagnosis. Life is short, memories are what we've got. Don't worry, it was paid for in cash and we had a remarkable time. Here is a sneak peak of our time there. Just beautiful. 

So, that is in a nutshell what has been happening over the past 2-2.5 years. I'm back at my blog and hope to revive it again. Please drop a comment, ask a question or just read through some of my previous posts. I hope I bring content that you appreciate and can encourage you on your own quest- no matter what that is. 


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