Sunday, May 5, 2013


This morning was a peculiar morning. There actually wasn't anything different about this morning, but it made me realized how blessed we really are.

Breakfast was homemade biscuits with homemade strawberry jam. The oldest daughter prefers honey, which was of course local and was purchased last year from a local farm. Then we had fresh eggs our hens had laid and wild boar sausage we had processed ourselves last fall.

We ate breakfast around our table together, no tv this morning, no computer. Just family.

Then we all got ready to go to church. No new clothes, nothing fancy or expensive. In fact I think most things we wore this morning was from either a yard sale or thrift store. I see no need in purchasing overly priced new items, when used is just as good.

We got to church and got to visit with our church friends and family. We sang, we worshipped, we shared one another's burdens. And it was a great time.

We don't have a huge house, a huge car, we aren't famous. But we have a beautiful, blessed little life and I wouldn't change it for anything......


  1. You have a wonderful way of looking at things. :)

  2. The thing is - the huge house, the car - the fame and the fortune - they don't mean anything. They are empty.

    It's the love of the family which sustains. It's the relationships with the family that's important. It's the family which gets us through life. It's the center of our Heavenly Fathers plan. The family is so very important.

    Thanks for this post! You are a lovely person!

  3. You are so right that those fancy things are just things. There are plenty of people who think they have it all but they don't have what you have. ~TALU

  4. There is nothing like the feeling of sitting down to a meal of the fruits of your own labor. Simple things are so important to a good life. Huge houses aren't. TALU

  5. I agree with everything you said! TALU

  6. Having a loving family is a far greater blessing than having material things - and realizing that just may be the secret to happiness (well that and homemade biscuits with strawberry jam)! Stopping by from TALU. :)

  7. The best things are often the most simple ones. Such a great reminder! ~TALU~

  8. Like you, our blessings are abundant and daily. "Things" don't make for a happy or fulfilling life, and it's sad that many discover that only after years of struggle.

    ~Taylor-Made Ranch~
    Wolfe City, Texas
