
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Looking forward to some home grown food....

The weather around here has been fairly nice lately. We have gotten to be outside a lot more than normal and everything has been quite mild. We do have the very beginnings of little crowns of brocolli and also tiny little cabbages are forming.

Our strawberries are blooming, and we have already been getting green onions fresh for dinner nightly.

My girls are little "florists" and love picking wildflowers and making bouquets in Mason jars, so this year, we tilled up a bit extra of the garden and made two full rows of nothing but wildflowers. Forget me nots, Zinnias, hollyhocks etc. They are all spouting very nicely and I hope to have a houseful of fresh flowers all summer long...... it helps with pollination also which is an added benefit.

I have 3 hens setting right now, on what looks to be about 5 eggs a peice, so in about 2 more weeks we should have close to 15 baby chicks. What a wonderful time for the girls when chicks are born.

Our 4 little ducks have lessened to only 3, which was quite traumatic to my older daughter ( she's 5) and felt that she didn't take good enough care of it, which is why it died. It's hard for a mother to watch her children hurt, but the amazing lessons that can be taught raising animals is tremendous. It does make my heart rejoice to see such a small child taking such an interest in caring for animals. I'm a pretty proud momma for sure.

Our homeade ice cream maker has bit the dust, which I'm pretty certain is well over 30 years old, as my mother gave it to me probably 10 years ago, thinking it would only last one more season.... So I am diligently searching for a new ice cream maker, as nothing is better in the summer than fresh cherry or strawberry ice cream. I also freeze the leftovers ( or make an extra batch) and we can enjoy it for the rest of the year.

That's about all for now. I have to catch up reading some of the blogs I follow. I really enjoy getting to know what's going on around other homesteads.


  1. Aren't fresh flowers from the garden the best? I love having sunflowers, zinnias and black-eyed susans for the house.

    Sorry for you loss. I hope your sweet girl learns to let the pain go...

    Good luck finding your ice cream maker! I can only imagine how good it tastes (I'm lactose intolerant)!

  2. I'm a bit jealous of your already sprouting produce :) I have a bunch of peet pots lined up in my windows trying to get a jump start on my garden.
    I'm sorry to hear about your duck. We lost 2 chicks and my 10 year old took it pretty hard.
